Hi Gabriel, I have yet to experiment with enabling SSL for Kafka. However, there are some good documents out there that seem to cover it. Examples: * https://www.confluent.io/blog/apache-kafka-security-authorization-authentication-encryption/ * http://coheigea.blogspot.com/2016/09/securing-apache-kafka-broker-part-i.html
Is there anything specific about the SSL and consumer groups that you are having issues with? Thanks. --Vahid From: Gabriel Machado <gmachado....@gmail.com> To: users@kafka.apache.org Date: 07/28/2017 08:40 AM Subject: Re: kafka-consumer-groups tool with SASL_PLAINTEXT Hi Vahid, Do you know how to use consumer-group tool with ssl only (without sasl) ? Gabriel. Le 24 juil. 2017 11:15 PM, "Vahid S Hashemian" <vahidhashem...@us.ibm.com> a écrit : Hi Meghana, I did some experiments with SASL_PLAINTEXT and documented the results here: https://developer.ibm.com/opentech/2017/05/31/kafka-acls-in-practice/ I think it covers what you'd like to achieve. If not, please advise. Thanks. --Vahid From: Meghana Narasimhan <mnarasim...@bandwidth.com> To: users@kafka.apache.org Date: 07/24/2017 01:56 PM Subject: kafka-consumer-groups tool with SASL_PLAINTEXT Hi, What is the correct way to use the kafka-consumer-groups tool with SASL_PLAINTEXT security enabled ? The tool seems to work fine with PLAINTEXT port but not with SASL_PLAINTEXT. Can it be configured to work with SASL_PLAINTEXT ? If so what permissions have to enabled for it ? Thanks, Meghana