

we would like to use Kafka as a way to inform users about events of certain
topics. For this purpose, we want to develop Windows and Mac clients which
users would install on their desktop PCs.


We got a broad number of users, so it's likely that there will be >10.000
clients running in parallel.


If I understand it correctly, then Kafka uses Sockets and the user clients
would maintain an active connection to Kafka. If this is correct, I


-What is the limit of clients that may run in parallel? Do 10.000 clients
mean 10.000 server connections? Would that be a problem for a typical


-Can we solve this problem by simply running kafka on several servers and
using something like a round-robin for the DNS so that the clients connect
to different servers?


-We expect to only send a few messages each day. Messages should arrive
quickly (<30 seconds delay) but we don't need realtime. Considering this: Is
kafka still a good solution or should we better switch to e.g. polling of
clients to the server without Kafka?




Best regards,



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