I would not mess with internals like this.  It's safer if you treat this
like a special case of a Broker expansion.

Don't forget if you are going to have mixed lineage brokers:

*From the documentation*

   1. Update server.properties file on all brokers and add the following
      - inter.broker.protocol.version=CURRENT_KAFKA_VERSION (e.g. 0.8.2 or
      - log.message.format.version=CURRENT_KAFKA_VERSION (See potential
      performance impact following the upgrade
      the details on what this configuration does.)
   2. Upgrade the brokers. This can be done a broker at a time by simply
   bringing it down, updating the code, and restarting it.
   3. Once the entire cluster is upgraded, bump the protocol version by
   editing inter.broker.protocol.version and setting it to NOTE: You
   shouldn't touch log.message.format.version yet - this parameter should only
   change once all consumers have been upgraded to
   4. Restart the brokers one by one for the new protocol version to take
   5. Once all consumers have been upgraded to 0.11.0, change
   log.message.format.version to 0.11.0 on each broker and restart them one by

Ok now that we've discussed that, what you want to do is a special type of
expansion.  Where you essentially create a partition plan that removes the
old broker from the reassignment strategy.  (
https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/#basic_ops_cluster_expansion) but
before you run off and do it the hard way consider using
https://github.com/linkedin/kafka-tools/wiki/Kafka-Assigner which helps
with features like removing a broker.

Hope this helps.


On Wed, 26 Jul 2017 at 08:19 Andrew Otto <o...@wikimedia.org> wrote:

> ​Hi all,
> We’re planning a big upgrade from to 0.11.  As part of this
> upgrade, we’ll be replacing the all the hardware in the cluster.
> We are considering doing this as follows:  One by one, we’d shut down an
> original broker machine, and then start up a broker​ on a new node with the
> same broker.id as the one just shutdown.  I believe that this would cause
> the newly started broker to replicate all of its partitions from the other
> brokers.  If needed, we could also copy over the original broker log dirs
> before starting up the new broker.
> Would this work as I expect it to?  Is there anything I’m missing?  Are
> there gotchas related with on disk log file formats that might cause some
> issues?
> Thanks!
> - Andrew Otto
>   Systems Engineer, Wikimedia Foundation

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