Becket Qin from LinkedIn spoke at a meetup about how to tune the Kafka 
producer. One scenario that he described was tuning for situations where you 
had high network latency. See slides at
 and video at


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> On Jul 21, 2017, at 9:25 AM, Sunil Parmar <> wrote:
> We're trying to set up mirror maker to mirror data from EU dc to US dc. The
> network delay is ~150 ms. In recent test; we realized that mirror maker is
> not keeping up with load and have a lag trending upward all the time.
> What are configurations that can be tuned up to make it work for the higher
> throughput ?
> How to decide number of producer and consumer threads ? ( number of topic
> partitions / brokers ? )
> *Environment* ( both source and destination cluster )
> Kafka version 0.9 ( Cloudera )
> queue.size = 10000
> queue.byte.size = 100MB
> 2 brokers on source, 3 brokers on destination
> *Mirror maker configs :*
> Producer properties :
> block.on.buffer.full=TRUE
> retries=2000000000
> acks=all
> Consumer properties:
> auto.offset.reset=latest
> We've configured 4 producer and consumer threads.
> There is no security set up as of now so it's all PLAINTEXT.
> We have 4 topics are white listed to sync from EU to US. Only one of them
> is high throughput. We also have a message handler to strip off some
> sensitive information from EU to US but it only works on a low thru put
> topic; the message handler still try to process the other topics but let it
> pass thru.
> Thanks,
> Sunil Parmar

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