I would like some help/information on what client versions are compatible
with what broker versions in kafka.

Some table like this would be good

client           0.8    0.9   0.10   0.11
0.8              yes     ?      ?        ?
0.9              ?        yes   ?        ?
0.10            ?       ?        yes    ?
0.11            ?       ?        ?        yes

So if question marks are filled it would be of great help.

Reason I am asking is many times we need to use other libraries/frameworks
to pull/push data from/into kafka and sometimes these support only a
particular version of clients.

Like right now I am trying to pull data from kafka via druid/tranquility
and they have clients of version 0.8.x implemented but my broker is running

Also if such a table can be posted on kafka documentation page or github
page that would be great.


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