That depends. If auto creation of non-existent topic enabled (check docs), then it will simple use the minimum partiotion and replication settings defined in broker config to create a topic. If auto creation is disabled, your consumer group won't do anything.
With auto creation enable - It's the same if you publish to a topic that doesn't yet exist. But that means topic will get created first, and then the messages are sent on the bus. If you subscribe to that topic later you will get messages. Check below: On 7 Jul 2017 9:46 pm, "Ali Akhtar" <> wrote: > Sometimes I see warnings in my logs if i create a consumer for a topic > which doesn't exist. Such as: > > org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient - Error while fetching metadata > with correlation id 1 : {example_topic=LEADER_NOT_AVAILABLE} > > If later messages are posted to that topic (which will create it), will my > consumer receive those messages? >