Kafka is not well tested on Windows platform..There are some issues running on Windows. It is recommended to run on Linux machines.
On Thu, Jul 6, 2017 at 9:49 PM, M. Manna <manme...@gmail.com> wrote: > Hi, > > I have sent numerous emails in the past about the same issue, but no > response so far. > > I was wondering if we will get a patch. I am working on a synchronisation > PoC which is reliant on Log cleanup to be successful every day. I have got > auto.offset.reset=earliest and the offsets.retention.minutes is set > sufficiently large (2880) to avoid such issues. I do have a > log.cleanup.policy=compact, but what I understand from the documentation > that deletion occurs after "Compact" for older logs anyway. > > I have moved my log.dir locations several places and with full access to > the directories, but still same issue as KAFKA-1194. Could someone please > let me know if this has worked for you i.e. the logs were deleted > successfully after certain period? > > KR, > MM >