I have now moved my brokers to local disks (though not dedicated disks).  
Running the tests again, although there is a significant improvement in max 
latency during steady state operation, still when I take down the kafka node 
that has the zookeeper leadership, I get 10-15 second max latencies.  I noticed 
that when this happens, the producer is having to refresh the meta data twice 
in quick succession, and looking at the metrics link, this happened here too - 
if you look at 09:29:20 there is a drop in the metadata age, indicating that a 
partition leadership change must have happened, but then another one happens at 
09:29:40.  Whey would the reassignment happen twice, as this looks like it is 
causing a problem.

> On 27 Jun 2017, at 10:17, Tom Dearman <tom.dear...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a problem with the latency of my kafka producer under some 
> circumstances.  We are running three kafka brokers on version and 3 
> zookeepers on version 3.4.8.  The server properties are below, the main 
> producer property that we change is that we require acks=all, so at least 2 
> will acknowledge our producer requests as we have min.insync.replicas=2.  We 
> have It all runs on our own servers but in an OpenShift environment.  The 
> zookeeper pods write to local storage, but the kafka broker pods write to 
> Ceph storage in such a way that a kafka brokers data is kept and re-assigned 
> to the same broker on restart. I am including a link of kafka producer 
> metrics that highlights the problem (link is only valid for next 7 days):
> https://snapshot.raintank.io/dashboard/snapshot/fjfBMC09aBQcWWzj54uCunqMYhNt4ggO
> <https://snapshot.raintank.io/dashboard/snapshot/fjfBMC09aBQcWWzj54uCunqMYhNt4ggO>
> This link has quite a lot of metrics, but the top two are about latency, 
> request latency and queue time (I assume that the request latency does not 
> include the time spent in the queue). 
> @09:29:20, a kafka pod was restarted, the pod was the one which was the 
> overall zookeeper leader elector.  This caused very large latency times for 
> our messages - average is high, but we are particularly interested in the max 
> latency, there was also very high queue time which is just as important to us.
> @09:31:00 I had to restart our test client which is causing the load to go to 
> the producer as all 14 threads had stopped since they had waited more than 5 
> seconds for a producer send.
> @09:34:40 I ran a manual rebalance - this hardly causes a blip in the latency.
> @09:38:20 a kafka pod was restored, but this time not the one which was the 
> overall zookeeper leader elector.  This caused a large latency for the 
> requests and queue time.
> @09:40:30 I ran a manual rebalance - again it hardly caused a blip.
> What I find strange about this is that the rebalance itself seems fine, with 
> a controlled shut down, the broker is supposed to do a rebalance before 
> shutting down, so I would have thought everything would be off the closing 
> broker and the latency of a controlled shut down would be no worse than when 
> I do a manual rebalance.
> Please can someone help.
> Tom
> Our server.properties is:
> broker.id=-1                                                                  
> listeners=PLAINTEXT://:9092 <PLAINTEXT://:9092>                               
> num.network.threads=3                                                         
> num.io.threads=8                                                              
> socket.send.buffer.bytes=102400                                               
> socket.receive.buffer.bytes=102400                                            
> socket.request.max.bytes=104857600                                            
> log.dirs=/mnt/data/logs                                                       
> num.partitions=20                                                             
> num.recovery.threads.per.data.dir=1                                           
> log.retention.hours=168                                                       
> log.segment.bytes=1073741824                                                  
> log.retention.check.interval.ms=300000                                        
> zookeeper.connect=zookeeper-0:2181,zookeeper-1:2181,zookeeper-2:2181          
> zookeeper.connection.timeout.ms=6000                                          
> advertised.listeners=PLAINTEXT://kafka-0:9092 <plaintext://kafka-0:9092>      
> default.replication.factor=3                                                  
> compression.type=gzip                                                         
> delete.topic.enable=true                                                      
> offsets.retention.minutes=10080                                               
> unclean.leader.election.enable=false                                          
> min.insync.replicas=2                    
> auto.leader.rebalance.enable=false                                            
> leader.imbalance.check.interval.seconds=300                                   
> leader.imbalance.per.broker.percentage=10                                     
> inter.broker.protocol.version=0.10.2                                          
> log.message.format.version=0.10.2         

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