Hi Vahid, Sorry for not replying to the previous email, I had missed it. A couple of questions:
1. Is this also happening in trunk? Seems like it should be the case for months and seemingly no-one reported it until the RC stage. 2. Is it correct that this only happens when compiling on Windows without Cygwin? I believe the following PR should fix it, please verify: https://github.com/apache/kafka/pull/3431 Ismael On Fri, Jun 23, 2017 at 8:25 PM, Vahid S Hashemian < vahidhashem...@us.ibm.com> wrote: > Hi Ismael, > > Not sure if my response on RC1 was lost or this issue is not a > show-stopper: > > I checked again and with RC2, tests still fail in my Windown 64 bit > environment. > > :clients:checkstyleMain > [ant:checkstyle] [ERROR] C:\Users\User\Downloads\kafka- >\clients\src\main\java\org\apache\kafka\common\protocol\Errors.java:89:1: > Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 57 (max allowed is 20) classes > [ApiExceptionBuilder, BrokerNotAvailableException, > ClusterAuthorizationException, ConcurrentTransactionsException, > ControllerMovedException, CoordinatorLoadInProgressException, > CoordinatorNotAvailableException, CorruptRecordException, > DuplicateSequenceNumberException, GroupAuthorizationException, > IllegalGenerationException, IllegalSaslStateException, > InconsistentGroupProtocolException, InvalidCommitOffsetSizeException, > InvalidConfigurationException, InvalidFetchSizeException, > InvalidGroupIdException, InvalidPartitionsException, > InvalidPidMappingException, InvalidReplicaAssignmentException, > InvalidReplicationFactorException, InvalidRequestException, > InvalidRequiredAcksException, InvalidSessionTimeoutException, > InvalidTimestampException, InvalidTopicException, InvalidTxnStateException, > InvalidTxnTimeoutException, LeaderNotAvailableException, NetworkException, > NotControllerException, NotCoordinatorException, > NotEnoughReplicasAfterAppendException, NotEnoughReplicasException, > NotLeaderForPartitionException, OffsetMetadataTooLarge, > OffsetOutOfRangeException, OperationNotAttemptedException, > OutOfOrderSequenceException, PolicyViolationException, > ProducerFencedException, RebalanceInProgressException, > RecordBatchTooLargeException, RecordTooLargeException, > ReplicaNotAvailableException, SecurityDisabledException, TimeoutException, > TopicAuthorizationException, TopicExistsException, > TransactionCoordinatorFencedException, TransactionalIdAuthorizationException, > UnknownMemberIdException, UnknownServerException, > UnknownTopicOrPartitionException, UnsupportedForMessageFormatException, > UnsupportedSaslMechanismException, UnsupportedVersionException]. > [ClassDataAbstractionCoupling] > [ant:checkstyle] [ERROR] C:\Users\User\Downloads\kafka- >\clients\src\main\java\org\apache\kafka\common\protocol\Errors.java:89:1: > Class Fan-Out Complexity is 60 (max allowed is 40). [ClassFanOutComplexity] > [ant:checkstyle] [ERROR] C:\Users\User\Downloads\kafka- >\clients\src\main\java\org\apache\kafka\common\ > requests\AbstractRequest.java:26:1: Class Fan-Out Complexity is 43 (max > allowed is 40). [ClassFanOutComplexity] > [ant:checkstyle] [ERROR] C:\Users\User\Downloads\kafka- >\clients\src\main\java\org\apache\kafka\common\ > requests\AbstractResponse.java:26:1: Class Fan-Out Complexity is 42 (max > allowed is 40). [ClassFanOutComplexity] > :clients:checkstyleMain FAILED > > FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. > > Thanks. > --Vahid > > > > From: Ismael Juma <ism...@juma.me.uk> > To: d...@kafka.apache.org, Kafka Users <users@kafka.apache.org>, > kafka-clients <kafka-clie...@googlegroups.com> > Date: 06/22/2017 06:16 PM > Subject: [VOTE] RC2 > Sent by: isma...@gmail.com > ------------------------------ > > > > Hello Kafka users, developers and client-developers, > > This is the third candidate for release of Apache Kafka > > This is a major version release of Apache Kafka. It includes 32 new KIPs. > See the release notes and release plan ( > https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/Release+Plan+ > for more details. A few feature highlights: > > * Exactly-once delivery and transactional messaging > * Streams exactly-once semantics > * Admin client with support for topic, ACLs and config management > * Record headers > * Request rate quotas > * Improved resiliency: replication protocol improvement and single-threaded > controller > * Richer and more efficient message format > > Release notes for the release: > http://home.apache.org/~ijuma/kafka- > > *** Please download, test and vote by Tuesday, June 27, 6pm PT > > Kafka's KEYS file containing PGP keys we use to sign the release: > http://kafka.apache.org/KEYS > > * Release artifacts to be voted upon (source and binary): > http://home.apache.org/~ijuma/kafka- > > * Maven artifacts to be voted upon: > https://repository.apache.org/content/groups/staging/org/apache/kafka/ > > * Javadoc: > http://home.apache.org/~ijuma/kafka- > > * Tag to be voted upon (off 0.11.0 branch) is the tag: > https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf?p=kafka.git;a=tag;h= > 8698fa1f41102f1664b05baa4d6953fc9564d91e > > * Documentation: > http://kafka.apache.org/0110/documentation.html > > * Protocol: > http://kafka.apache.org/0110/protocol.html > > * Successful Jenkins builds for the 0.11.0 branch: > Unit/integration tests: https://builds.apache.org/job/ > kafka-0.11.0-jdk7/187/ > System tests: pending (will send an update tomorrow) > > /************************************** > > Thanks, > Ismael > > > >