
when call KGroupedStream.count(Windows windows <W>, String storeName )

 storeName-changelog is auto created as internal topic, and key type : 
windowed<String> , value type: Long

I try to consume from the internal storeName-changelog,  code sample like:

final Deserializer<Windowed<String>> windowedDeserializer = new 

final KafkaConsumer<Windowed<String>, Long> consumer = new 
KafkaConsumer<Windowed<String>, Long>(
            consumerProperties, windowedDeserializer, Serdes.Long()

but the program thrown :

Exception in thread "main" 
org.apache.kafka.common.errors.SerializationException: Error deserializing 
key/value for partition ***-changelog-3 at offset 125274495
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Window startMs time cannot be 

I want to know why the matched Serdes could not consume message ?

thank you in advance.

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