Hi, I am trying to mirror _schemas topic (essentially schema registry) using mirror maker, which is not working. It only replicates newly created schemas even though auto.offset.reset is set to earliest. Any ideas?
Producer Config: bootstrap.servers=xxxx:9092 group.id=mirrormaker exclude.internal.topics=true client.id=mirror_maker_consumer # Default #enable.auto.commit=true # Read from the beginning of the topic auto.offset.reset=earliest Consumer Config: bootstrap.servers=xxxx:9092 batch.size=100 client.id=mirror_maker_consumer max.in.flight.requests.per.connection=1 retries=1000 acks=-1 Command that I am using: kafka-mirror-maker --consumer.config source_cluster.properties --producer.config target_cluster.properties --whitelist '\_schemas.* Thanks, Manoj