But isn't it a low hanging fruit at this moment? Isn't that just an API
limitation and wouldn't the backend for transactions support it with only
minor changes to the API (do not fail automatically dangling transactions
on Producer restart)? Flushing is already there so that _should_ handle the
pre-commit. Again, maybe I'm missing something and for sure I am not
familiar with Kafka's internals.


2017-06-16 15:47 GMT+02:00 Michal Borowiecki <michal.borowie...@openbet.com>

> I don't think KIP-98 is as ambitious as to provide support for distributed
> transactions (2 phase commit).
> It would be great if I was wrong though :P
> Cheers,
> MichaƂ
> On 16/06/17 14:21, Piotr Nowojski wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm looking into Kafka's transactions API as proposed in KIP-98. I've read
> both this KIP-98 document and I looked into the code that is on the master
> branch. I would like to use it to implement some two phase commit mechanism
> on top of the Kafka's transactions, that would allow me to tie multiple
> systems (some of them might not be Kafka) in one transaction.
> Maybe I'm missing something but the problem is I don't see a way to
> implement it using proposed Kafka's transactions API. Even if I have just
> two processes writing to Kafka topics, I don't know how can I guarantee
> that if one's transaction is committed, the other will also eventually be
> committed. This is because if first KafkaProducer successfully commits, but
> the second one fails before committing it's data, after restart the second
> one's "initTransactions" call will (according to my understanding of the
> API) abort previously non completed transactions.
> Usually transactional systems expose API like 
> this<http://hlinnaka.iki.fi/2013/04/11/how-to-write-a-java-transaction-manager-that-works-with-postgresql/>
> <http://hlinnaka.iki.fi/2013/04/11/how-to-write-a-java-transaction-manager-that-works-with-postgresql/>.
> Namely there is a known identifier for a transaction and you can pre-commit
> it (void prepare(...) method in before mentioned example) and then commit
> or you can abort this transaction. Usually pre-commit involves flushing
> stuff to some temporary files and commit move those files to the final
> directory. In case of machine/process failure, if it was before
> "pre-commit", we can just rollback all transactions from all of the
> processes. However once every process acknowledge that it completed
> "pre-commit", each process should call "commit". If some process fails at
> that stage, after restarting this process, I would expect to be able to
> restore it's "pre-committed" transaction (having remembered transaction's
> id) and re attempt to commit it - which should be guaranteed to eventually
> succeed.
> In other words, it seems to me like the missing features of this API for me
> are:
> 1. possibility to resume transactions after machine/process crash. At least
> I would expect to be able to commit "flushed"/"pre-committed" data for such
> transactions.
> 2. making sure that committing already committed transactions doesn't brake
> anything
> Or maybe there is some other way to integrate Kafka into such two phase
> commit system that I'm missing?
> Thanks, Piotrek
> --
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