Well. You can also ready multiple topics as a single KStream.

> builder.stream("topic-1", "topic-2")

Of course both topics must contain data with same key and value type.
For this pattern, there is only one source node.

There is no 1-to-1 relationship between input topics and source node,
and thus, the picture is not wrong...

Do you find that the picture is confusion/miss-leading?


On 6/8/17 5:58 PM, john cheng wrote:
> Kafka streams topology can define one or many SourceNode.
> The picture on official document <
> http://kafka.apache.org/0102/documentation/streams#streams_architecture_tasks
> only draw one source node in some place:
> 1. Stream Partitions and Tasks
> 2. Threading Model
> 3. Local StateStore
> And the topology has two source topics: topicA and topicB
> Should we change those picture above to two source node like the
> Architecture part?

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