Hi Jerry,

The behavior you are expecting is implemented in 0.10.2 through KIP-88 (
) and KAFKA-3853 (https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-3853).
Starting from this release when you query a consumer group (new consumer 
only) you'll see the stored offset corresponding to a topic partition even 
if there is no active consumer consuming from it.

I hope this helps.

From:   Jerry George <jerr...@gmail.com>
To:     users@kafka.apache.org
Date:   05/26/2017 06:55 AM
Subject:        Trouble with querying offsets when using new consumer 
groups API


I had question about the new consumer APIs.

I am having trouble retrieving the offsets once the consumers are
*disconnected* when using new consumer v2 API. Following is what I am
trying to do,

*bin/kafka-consumer-groups.sh -new-consumer --bootstrap-server kafka:9092
--group group --describe*

If I query this when the consumers are connected, there is no problem.
However, once the consumers are disconnected it says there is no such
group, though the offsets are retained in __consumer_offsets.

The offset retention policy is default; i.e. 1440 minutes, I believe.

Once the consumers are reconnected, I am able to query the offsets once

Could anyone here please help me understand why this is?

Kafka: 0.10.1
Consumer Library: sarama golang library


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