Hi All , I've started exploring SearchMessagesByTimestamp https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-33+-+Add+a+time+based+log+index#KIP-33-Addatimebasedlogindex-Searchmessagebytimestamp .
Kafka Producer produces the record with timestamp . When i try to search Timestamps few cases its working but in few case its not working. Working Case : If i ask kafka to fetch timestamp last 15 minz , i could see consumer.offsetsForTimes returns results . Not working Case: If i ask Kafka to fetch last 2 minz or 1 min , i could see consumer.offsetsForTimes returns nothing. My Kafka Cluster is running with default server.properties , Am i missing anything here ? Is there any setting to make it working for the case last 30 seconds etc ??? Pls advise me here ... Cheers, Senthil