Hi, all

We have upgraded Kafka from 0.8.2 to 0.10.2. In Kafka 0.8.2, we store
offset for each consumer-group in Zookeeper. We used Python API to get
offset for each consumer-group in ZK to monitor the lag for each Topic.

After upgraded to Kafka 0.10.2, we plan to store consumer-group offset in
Kafka itself. But we need to using Python API to monitor the consumer
offset. We need some Python API like the kafka-consumer-groups.sh tool to
list all consumer-group & show their offset one by one.

We plan to use confluent-kafka-python/librdkafka as our option. But we can
not find API to list all consumer groups. For the offset for each
consumer-group, we find it can use position method.

Here is our code:

consumer = confluent_kafka.Consumer(conf)
p = confluent_kafka.TopicPartition("xxx", 1)
print consumer.position([p])



Seems it can not show the correct offset.

Any thing I did wrong?

In sum, Here is my 2 questions:

1. How to list all consumer-groups using How to list all
consumer-groups/librdkafka API for a topic?
2. How to get current offset for a consumer-group?

Thanks a lot.

Yuxiang Mai
Sun Yat-Sen Unitversity
State Key Lab of Optoelectronic
Materials and Technologies

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