No joins - they're all separate data flows.
Having separate stream instances for subsets of topics would probably work.
Is doesn't seem as clean.  It's also slightly more tricky to distribute the
load across separate processes. We'd have to have only one stream thread
allocated to each topic in each process or the first to start grabs all the
load for the whole system.
Are there any details about the number of topics & partitions we can scale
to on example hardware?

On Tue, 23 May 2017 at 09:00, Michal Borowiecki <
michal.borowie...@openbet.com> wrote:

> Hi Mike,
> Are you performing any operations (e.g. joins) across all topics?
> If so, I'd think increasing the number of partitions is indeed the way to
> go. Partition is the unit of parallelism per topic and all topics are bound
> together in your app in that case.
> If not, your other option is to break up your application into a number of
> KafkaStreams instances, each dealing with a subset of topics.
> Hope that helps.
> MichaƂ
> On 23/05/17 08:47, Mike Gould wrote:
> Hi
> We have a couple of hundred topics - each carrying a similar but distinct
> message type but to keep the total partition count down each only has 3
> partitions.
> If I start Kafka-streams consuming all topics only 3 threads ever get
> assigned any partitions.
> I think the first thread to start gets the first partition of each topic,
> and so on until the 3rd thread, after that all the partitions are assigned
> - any further threads are just left idle.
> Is there any way to make the partition assignment smarter and either add a
> random element that moves partitions when further consumers start or
> considers all the partitions of subscribed topics together when assigning
> them?
> Our only alternative is creating many more partitions for each topic - and
> we're worried about how far this will scale.
> Thank you
> Mike G
> --
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