Thanks for the answer Tom,
Indeed I will not have more than 10 or 20 customer per cluster, so that's
also the maximum number of partitions possible per topic.
Still a bad idea?

2017-05-23 16:48 GMT+02:00 Tom Crayford <>:

> Hi there,
> I don't know about the consumer, but I'd *strongly* recommend not designing
> your application around this. Kafka has severe and notable stability
> concerns with large numbers of partitions, and requiring "one partition per
> customer" is going to be limiting, unless you only ever expect to have
> *very* small customer numbers (hundreds at most, ever). Instead, use a hash
> function and a key, as recommended to land customers on the same partition.
> Thanks
> Tom Crayford
> Heroku Kafka
> On Tue, May 23, 2017 at 9:46 AM, David Espinosa <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > In order to keep separated (physically) the data from different customers
> > in our application, we are using a custom partitioner to drive messages
> to
> > a concrete partition of a topic. We know that we are loosing parallelism
> > per topic this way, but our requirements regarding multitenancy are
> higher
> > than our throughput requirements.
> >
> > So, in order to increase the number of customers working on a cluster, we
> > are increasing the number of partitions dinamically per topic as the new
> > customer arrives using kafka AdminUtilities.
> > Our problem arrives when using the new kafka consumer and a new partition
> > is added into the topic, as this consumer doesn't get updated with the
> "new
> > partition" and therefore messages driven into that new partition never
> > arrives to this consumer unless we reload the consumer itself. What was
> > surprising was to check that using the old consumer (configured to deal
> > with Zookeeper), a consumer does get messages from a new added partition.
> >
> > Is there a way to emulate the old consumer behaviour when new partitions
> > are added in the new consumer?
> >
> > Thanks in advance,
> > David
> >

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