Working on a kafka project I'm trying to set up Integration test using docker 
to have Zookeeper and Kafka clusters and my client(s) program and some kafkacat 
clients on a docker network.

To set up this work context I need to script each action and I guess I have a 
beginner problem about Zookeeper and Kafka startup.

If I do :
/zookeeper-server-start.sh ../config/zookeeper.properties &
/kafka-server-start.sh ../config/server.properties &
kafkacat -P -c 10 -b my.broker -t myTopic < myMessages.txt

then kafka sometimes fails to start because zookeeper boot process isn't 
completely finished yet, and kafkatcat always fails to produce because kafka 
broker starting process in isn't completely finished neither.

Is there a way to starts these as a service (a parameter ?), which give back 
the control of the shell only when the starting process is completed and 
Zookeeper/Kafka ready to use.

Alternatively do you think that loop checking TCP connection until accept, on 
Zookeeper / Kafka client serving port would be a good way to consider that 
these two process are ready to serve clients ?

 Thank you.

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