I am also facing the same issue .


On Thu, May 18, 2017 at 5:29 AM, Cédric Chantepie <
c.chante...@yahoo.fr.invalid> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a test app using Java lib for consumers with Kafka 0.10, using
> Kafka storage for offset.
> This app is managing 190 consumers, accross 19 different consumer group,
> against 12 distinct topics (details bellow).
> When one app instance is starting, with 40 partitions per topic, it takes
> ~1m to get stable assignments on topic partitions for all the workers: long
> time but could be understandable ...
> When two instances of the app are started (same kafka server setup), it
> goes through an infinite rebalancing loop, not consuming anything.
> This test app is just printing data for now, no long processing. I've
> tried several settings (session.timeout, heartbeat, client.id, ...), but
> I cannot fix that.
> Is there a know issue related to such case?
> For more details, this app is simulating consumpting by several kinds of
> worker/processor, with one distinct consumer group per kind.
> Some different kinds of worker, and so different consumer groups, could
> subscribe to a same topic.
> The app is so using 19 distinct consumer groups (1 per simulated worker
> kind), against 12 different topics.
> Moreover, per each kind of worker, 10 consumer instances are created and
> subscribe using the same consumer group to the appropriate topic.

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