Sorry misread your question!
If the local state is destroyed there will be no checkpoint file and the
input topic will be read from the earliest offset. So it will restore all

On Wed, 17 May 2017 at 09:57 Damian Guy <> wrote:

> Hi Frank,
> Stores.create("store")
>         .withKeys(Serdes.String())
>         .withValues(Serdes.String())
>         .persistent()
>         .disableLogging()
>         .build();
> Does that help?
> Thanks,
> Damian
> On Wed, 17 May 2017 at 06:09 Frank Lyaruu <> wrote:
>> Hi Kafka people,
>> I'm using the low level API that often creates a simple state store based
>> on a (single partition, compacted) topic (It feeds all messages and simply
>> stores all those messages as-is). Now all these stores get their own
>> 'changelog' topic, to back the state store.
>> This is fine, but in this case all those changelogs are identical to the
>> original topic, so that wastes quite a bit of space.
>> I do see an option to disableLogging, that would take care of the
>> changelog
>> but then I guess the store wouldn't know to re-read the entire source
>> topic
>> when the local state gets destroyed.
>> Is there a workaround for that? In other words, could I supply a state
>> store with a topic it should use to restore from?
>> regards, Frank

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