Hello, We've got a Kafka cluster, with 4 brokers, a few hundred topics, 20-50 consumers and 10-15 producers.
Often we've got to do changes on the cluster config and we do rolling restarts, with controlled shutdowns. However, our consumers and producers see a big impact when: - The broker is shutting down - The broker joins the cluster again - The cluster does a rebalance The type of exceptions the clients are producing are in the range of: NotLeaderForPartitionException NotEnoughReplicasException NotEnoughReplicasAfterAppendException TimeoutException NetworkException My question is, is there a way to mitigate the impact, or is it considered the normal way kafka and the clients operate? Is any change in the topology of the cluster (partition leader and ISRs) supposed to cause these exceptions? Thank you, Information in this email including any attachments may be privileged, confidential and is intended exclusively for the addressee. The views expressed may not be official policy, but the personal views of the originator. If you have received it in error, please notify the sender by return e-mail and delete it from your system. You should not reproduce, distribute, store, retransmit, use or disclose its contents to anyone. Please note we reserve the right to monitor all e-mail communication through our internal and external networks. SKY and the SKY marks are trademarks of Sky plc and Sky International AG and are used under licence. Sky UK Limited (Registration No. 2906991), Sky-In-Home Service Limited (Registration No. 2067075) and Sky Subscribers Services Limited (Registration No. 2340150) are direct or indirect subsidiaries of Sky plc (Registration No. 2247735). All of the companies mentioned in this paragraph are incorporated in England and Wales and share the same registered office at Grant Way, Isleworth, Middlesex TW7 5QD.