Well, this is also a good question, because it is triggered with the same 
timestamp 3 times, so in order to create my update for both three seconds, 
I will have to count the number of punctuations and calculate the missed 
stream times for myself. It's ok for me to trigger it 3 times, but the 
timestamp should not be the same in each, but should be increased by the 
schedule time in each punctuate.

- Sini

From:   Thomas Becker <tobec...@tivo.com>
To:     "users@kafka.apache.org" <users@kafka.apache.org>
Date:   2017/05/12 18:57
Subject:        RE: Order of punctuate() and process() in a stream 

I'm a bit troubled by the fact that it fires 3 times despite the stream 
time being advanced all at once; is there a scenario when this is 

From: Matthias J. Sax [matth...@confluent.io]
Sent: Friday, May 12, 2017 12:38 PM
To: users@kafka.apache.org
Subject: Re: Order of punctuate() and process() in a stream processor

Hi Peter,

It's by design. Streams internally tracks time progress (so-called
"streams time"). "streams time" get advanced *after* processing a record.

Thus, in your case, "stream time" is still at its old value before it
processed the first message of you send "burst". After that, "streams
time" is advanced by 3 seconds, and thus, punctuate fires 3 time.

I guess, we could change the design and include scheduled punctuations
when advancing "streams time". But atm, we just don't do this.

Does this make sense?

Is this critical for your use case? Or do you just want to understand
what's happening?


On 5/12/17 8:59 AM, Peter Sinoros Szabo wrote:
> Hi,
> Let's assume the following case.
> - a stream processor that uses the Processor API
> - context.schedule(1000) is called in the init()
> - the processor reads only one topic that has one partition
> - using custom timestamp extractor, but that timestamp is just a wall
> clock time
> Image the following events:
> 1., for 10 seconds I send in 5 messages / second
> 2., does not send any messages for 3 seconds
> 3., starts the 5 messages / second again
> I see that punctuate() is not called during the 3 seconds when I do not
> send any messages. This is ok according to the documentation, because
> there is not any new messages to trigger the punctuate() call. When the
> first few messages arrives after a restart the sending (point 3. above) 
> see the following sequence of method calls:
> 1., process() on the 1st message
> 2., punctuate() is called 3 times
> 3., process() on the 2nd message
> 4., process() on each following message
> What I would expect instead is that punctuate() is called first and then
> process() is called on the messages, because the first message's 
> is already 3 seconds older then the last punctuate() was called, so the
> first message belongs after the 3 punctuate() calls.
> Please let me know if this is a bug or intentional, in this case what is
> the reason for processing one message before punctuate() is called?
> Thanks,
> Peter
> Péter Sinóros-Szabó
> Software Engineer
> Ustream, an IBM Company
> Andrassy ut 39, H-1061 Budapest
> Mobile: +36203693050
> Email: peter.sinoros-sz...@hu.ibm.com


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