To further clarify: I'm trying to create topics programmatically. We want to run our code against dev/staging/production clusters. In dev, they are often single-broker clusters. In production, we default to replication factor of 3.
So that's why it'd make life easier if it defaulted to the value in, rather than our code having to figure out whether it's a dev vs produciton cluster. I'm aware we could hack around this by relying on topic auto-creation, but we'd rather disable that to prevent topics being accidentally created. On Thu, May 11, 2017 at 4:07 PM, Jeff Widman <> wrote: > When creating a new topic, why do I need to specify the replication factor > and number of partitions? > > I'd rather than when omitted, Kafka defaults to the value set in > > > Was this an explicit design decision? >