Hi All,

We're using kafka and just encountered a weird issue I'd be happy
to get some help with.

Seems like we can't query active consumer groups using the
kafka-consumer-groups.sh script. Even more, listing all the active consumer
groups usually results in empty response (or a very partial one, 2 active
consumer groups out of ~1000, usually new consumer groups appear).

We're using the new consumer (since kafka 0.9), multiple topics (with
single partition each, and a single consumer group attached to each). The
__consumer_offsets topic lasts > 1 month, if it matter somehow.

The command I'm running:
$> ./kafka-consumer-groups.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
--new-consumer --describe --group my-consumer-group
Consumer group `my-consumer-group` does not exist or is rebalancing.

$>./kafka-consumer-groups.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
--new-consumer --list
(doesn't return any output)

Enabling debug (in the tools-log4j.properties, as I saw someone here
suggested previously) didn't show any meaningful data.

Any help will be gladly appreciate,

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