Hi Team, We are using Apache Kafka in one of our products. We support Windows, AIX and Linux RedHat6 and above.
I am seeing an issue with the kafka-server-stop.sh script on RedHat7 machines. This used to work with RedHat6. ps ax | grep -i 'kafka.Kafka' - this is not able to find any running Kafka processes, because ps ax does not return the full output of the processes. It returns a truncated output ( https://access.redhat.com/solutions/35925) and the process is thus not killed. Is there a solution / work-around for this? Thanks and Regards, Vedant Nighojkar Software Engineer IBM Analytics Phone: 978-899-2942 E-mail: vnig...@us.ibm.com 550 King St, Littleton, MA 01460 United States