Hi Subhash, Yes, it should be listed again in the output, but it should get fresh offsets (with `--describe` for example), since the old offsets were removed once it became inactive.
--Vahid From: Subhash Sriram <subhash.sri...@gmail.com> To: users@kafka.apache.org Date: 05/05/2017 02:38 PM Subject: Re: Kafka - Question about kafka-consumer-groups.sh Hi Vahid, Thank you very much for your reply! I appreciate the clarification. Unfortunately, I didn't really try the command until today. That being said, I created a couple of new groups and consumed from a test topic today, and they did show up in the list. Maybe I can see what happens with them after the offset.retention.minutes has elapsed. What if a group went inactive, and then became active again with the same group name? I would assume that once it turns back on, it would show up in the list. Thanks again, Subhash On Fri, May 5, 2017 at 5:30 PM, Vahid S Hashemian <vahidhashem...@us.ibm.com > wrote: > Hi Subhash, > > The broker config that affects group offset retention is > "offsets.retention.minutes" (which defaults to 1 day). > If the group is inactive (i.e. has no consumer consuming from it) for this > long its offsets will be removed from the internal topic offset and it > will not be listed in the consumer group command output. > > But the consumer group in your case should be alive, since it did not > become inactive. > > Did the command use to list the group in the output before? > > --Vahid > > > > > From: Subhash Sriram <subhash.sri...@gmail.com> > To: users@kafka.apache.org > Date: 05/05/2017 01:43 PM > Subject: Kafka - Question about kafka-consumer-groups.sh > > > > Hey everyone, > > I am a little bit confused about how the kafka-consumer-groups.sh/ > ConsumerGroupCommand works, and was hoping someone could shed some light > on > this for me. > > We are running Kafka, and using the new Consumer API with the > Confluent.Kafka C# library (v0.9.5) that uses librdkafka. Today, I was > trying to get some details on what consumers were running, and their > position within a couple of topics, but when I ran the following, I did > not > see the group in the list. > > ./bin/kafka-consumer-groups.sh --bootstrap-server [our servers] > --new-consumer --list > > I see a few groups listed, but none of the ones I was expecting to see. I > saw this in the documentation: > > *"When using the new consumer API > <http://kafka.apache.org/documentation.html#newconsumerapi> (where the > broker handles coordination of partition handling and rebalance), the > group > is deleted when the last committed offset for that group expires"* > > Is that related to log retention time? If so, is it saying that the group > will be deleted from the list once the highest committed offset of its > group is past its configured log retention time? > > The issue I am facing is that we have a consumer group that is actively > consuming. At one point, I am sure the messages in the topic it is > consuming expired, but since then, more messages have been added, and it > has been consuming & committing higher offsets. Shouldn't that group have > come back on the list? > > Any ideas would be very helpful. > > Thanks, > Subhash > > > > >