
> 07:44:08.493 [StreamThread-10] INFO o.a.k.c.c.i.AbstractCoordinator -
> Discovered coordinator broker-05:6667 for group group-2.

Please upgrade to Streams -- we fixed couple of bug and I would
assume this issue is fixed, too. If not, please report back.

> Another question that I have is, is there a way for us detect how many
> messages have come out of order? And if possible, what is the delay?

There is no metric or api for this. What you could do though is, to use
#transform() that only forwards each record and as a side task, extracts
the timestamp via `context#timestamp()` and does some book keeping to
compute if out-of-order and what the delay was.

>>>  - same for .mapValues()
>> I am not sure how to check this.

The same way as you do for filter()?


On 5/4/17 10:29 AM, Mahendra Kariya wrote:
> Hi Matthias,
> Please find the answers below.
> I would recommend to double check the following:
>>  - can you confirm that the filter does not remove all data for those
>> time periods?
> Filter does not remove all data. There is a lot of data coming in even
> after the filter stage.
>>  - I would also check input for your AggregatorFunction() -- does it
>> receive everything?
> Yes. Aggregate function seems to be receiving everything.
>>  - same for .mapValues()
> I am not sure how to check this.

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