Does this mean that if the client have retry > 0 and > 1, then even if the topic only have one 
partition, there’s still no guarantee of the ordering?

> On Apr 30, 2017, at 7:57 AM, Hans Jespersen <> wrote:
> There is a parameter that controls this behavior called 
> flight.requests.per.connection
> If you set flight.requests.per.connection = 1 then the producer waits 
> until previous produce requests returns a response before sending the next 
> one (or retrying). The retries parameter controller the number of times to 
> attempt to produce a batch after a failure.
> If flight.requests.per.connection = 1 and retries is get to the maximum then 
> ordering is guaranteed.
> If there is a timeout then the producer library would try again and again to 
> produce the message and will not skip over to try and produce the next 
> message.
> If you set flight.requests.per.connection > 1 (I think the default is 5) then 
> you can get a commit log with messages out of order wrt the original 
> published order (because retries are done in parallel rather then in series)
> -hans
>> On Apr 30, 2017, at 3:13 AM, Petr Novak <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Does Kafka producer waits till previous batch returns response before
>> sending next one? Do I assume correctly that it does not when retries can
>> change ordering?
>> Hence batches delay is introduced only by producer internal send loop time
>> and linger?
>> If a timeout would be localized only to a single batch send request for some
>> reason, does it affect the next batch (assuming this batch can go through
>> successfully)?
>> Many thanks,
>> Petr

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