I looked this up yesterday  when I read the grandparent, as my old
company ran two and I needed to know.
Your link is a bit ambiguous but it has a link to the zookeeper
Getting Started guide which says this:

For replicated mode, a minimum of three servers are required, and it
is strongly recommended that you have an odd number of servers. If you
only have two servers, then you are in a situation where if one of
them fails, there are not enough machines to form a majority quorum.
Two servers is inherently less stable than a single server, because
there are two single points of failure.




On 30/04/2017, Michal Borowiecki <michal.borowie...@openbet.com> wrote:
> Svante, I don't share your opinion.
> Having an even number of zookeepers is not a problem in itself, it
> simply means you don't get any better resilience than if you had one
> fewer instance.
> Yes, it's not common or recommended practice, but you are allowed to
> have an even number of zookeepers and it's most likely not related to
> the problem at hand and does NOT need to be addressed first.
> https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/r3.4.10/zookeeperAdmin.html#sc_zkMulitServerSetup
> Abhit, I'm afraid the log snippet is not enough for me to help.
> Maybe someone else in the community with more experience can recognize
> the symptoms but in the meantime, if you haven't already done so, you
> may want to search for similar issues:
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/issues/?jql=project%20%3D%20KAFKA%20AND%20text%20~%20%22ZK%20expired%3B%20shut%20down%20all%20controller%22
> searching for text like "ZK expired; shut down all controller" or "No
> broker in ISR is alive for" or other interesting events form the log.
> Hope that helps,
> Michal
> On 26/04/17 21:40, Svante Karlsson wrote:
>> You are not supposed to run an even number of zookeepers. Fix that first
>> On Apr 26, 2017 20:59, "Abhit Kalsotra" <abhit...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Any pointers please....
>>> Abhi
>>> On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 11:03 PM, Abhit Kalsotra <abhit...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi *
>>>> My kafka setup
>>>> **OS: Windows Machine*6 broker nodes , 4 on one Machine and 2 on other
>>>> Machine*
>>>> **ZK instance on (4 broker nodes Machine) and another ZK on (2 broker
>>>> nodes machine)*
>>>> ** 2 Topics with partition size = 50 and replication factor = 3*
>>>> I am producing on an average of around 500 messages / sec with each
>>>> message size close to 98 bytes...
>>>> More or less the message rate stays constant throughout, but after
>>> running
>>>> the setup for close to 2 weeks , my Kafka cluster broke and this
>>>> happened
>>>> twice in a month.  Not able to understand what's the issue, Kafka gurus
>>>> please do share your inputs...
>>>> the controlle.log file at the time of Kafka broken looks like
>>>> *[2017-04-26 12:03:34,998] INFO [Controller 0]: Broker failure callback
>>>> for 0,1,3,5,6 (kafka.controller.KafkaController)[2017-04-26
>>> 12:03:34,998]
>>>> INFO [Controller 0]: Removed ArrayBuffer() from list of shutting down
>>>> brokers. (kafka.controller.KafkaController)[2017-04-26 12:03:34,998]
>>> INFO
>>>> [Partition state machine on Controller 0]: Invoking state change to
>>>> OfflinePartition for partitions
>>>> [__consumer_offsets,19],[mytopic,11],[__consumer_
>>> offsets,30],[mytopicOLD,18],[mytopic,13],[__consumer_
>>> offsets,47],[mytopicOLD,26],[__consumer_offsets,29],[
>>> mytopicOLD,0],[__consumer_offsets,41],[mytopic,44],[
>>> mytopicOLD,38],[mytopicOLD,2],[__consumer_offsets,17],[__
>>> consumer_offsets,10],[mytopic,20],[mytopic,23],[mytopic,30],
>>> [__consumer_offsets,14],[__consumer_offsets,40],[mytopic,
>>> 31],[mytopicOLD,43],[mytopicOLD,19],[mytopicOLD,35]
>>> ,[__consumer_offsets,18],[mytopic,43],[__consumer_offsets,26],[__consumer_
>>> offsets,0],[mytopic,32],[__consumer_offsets,24],[
>>> mytopicOLD,3],[mytopic,2],[mytopic,3],[mytopicOLD,45],[
>>> mytopic,35],[__consumer_offsets,20],[mytopic,1],[
>>> mytopicOLD,33],[__consumer_offsets,5],[mytopicOLD,47],[__
>>> consumer_offsets,22],[mytopicOLD,8],[mytopic,33],[
>>> mytopic,36],[mytopicOLD,11],[mytopic,47],[mytopicOLD,20],[
>>> mytopic,48],[__consumer_offsets,12],[mytopicOLD,32],[_
>>> _consumer_offsets,8],[mytopicOLD,39],[mytopicOLD,27]
>>> ,[mytopicOLD,49],[mytopicOLD,42],[mytopic,21],[mytopicOLD,
>>> 31],[mytopic,29],[__consumer_offsets,23],[mytopicOLD,21],[_
>>> _consumer_offsets,48],[__consumer_offsets,11],[mytopic,
>>> 18],[__consumer_offsets,13],[mytopic,45],[mytopic,5],[
>>> mytopicOLD,25],[mytopic,6],[mytopicOLD,23],[mytopicOLD,37]
>>> ,[__consumer_offsets,6],[__consumer_offsets,49],[
>>> mytopicOLD,13],[__consumer_offsets,28],[__consumer_offsets,4],[__consumer_
>>> offsets,37],[mytopic,12],[mytopicOLD,30],[__consumer_
>>> offsets,31],[__consumer_offsets,44],[mytopicOLD,15],[
>>> mytopicOLD,29],[mytopic,37],[mytopic,38],[__consumer_
>>> offsets,42],[mytopic,27],[mytopic,26],[mytopic,15],[__
>>> consumer_offsets,34],[mytopic,42],[__consumer_offsets,46],[
>>> mytopic,14],[mytopicOLD,12],[mytopicOLD,1],[mytopic,7],[__
>>> consumer_offsets,25],[mytopicOLD,24],[mytopicOLD,44]
>>> ,[mytopicOLD,14],[__consumer_offsets,32],[mytopic,0],[__
>>> consumer_offsets,43],[mytopic,39],[mytopicOLD,5],[mytopic,9]
>>> ,[mytopic,24],[__consumer_offsets,36],[mytopic,25],[
>>> mytopicOLD,36],[mytopic,19],[__consumer_offsets,35],[__
>>> consumer_offsets,7],[mytopic,8],[__consumer_offsets,38],[
>>> mytopicOLD,48],[mytopicOLD,9],[__consumer_offsets,1],[
>>> mytopicOLD,6],[mytopic,41],[mytopicOLD,41],[mytopicOLD,7],
>>> [mytopic,17],[mytopicOLD,17],[mytopic,49],[__consumer_
>>> offsets,16],[__consumer_offsets,2]
>>>> (kafka.controller.PartitionStateMachine)[2017-04-26 12:03:35,045] INFO
>>>> [SessionExpirationListener on 1], ZK expired; shut down all controller
>>>> components and try to re-elect
>>>> (kafka.controller.KafkaController$SessionExpirationListener)[2017-04-26
>>>> 12:03:35,045] DEBUG [Controller 1]: Controller resigning, broker id 1
>>>> (kafka.controller.KafkaController)[2017-04-26 12:03:35,045] DEBUG
>>>> [Controller 1]: De-registering IsrChangeNotificationListener
>>>> (kafka.controller.KafkaController)[2017-04-26 12:03:35,060] INFO
>>> [Partition
>>>> state machine on Controller 1]: Stopped partition state machine
>>>> (kafka.controller.PartitionStateMachine)[2017-04-26 12:03:35,060] INFO
>>>> [Replica state machine on controller 1]: Stopped replica state machine
>>>> (kafka.controller.ReplicaStateMachine)[2017-04-26 12:03:35,060] INFO
>>>> [Controller 1]: Broker 1 resigned as the controller
>>>> (kafka.controller.KafkaController)[2017-04-26 12:03:36,013] DEBUG
>>>> [OfflinePartitionLeaderSelector]: No broker in ISR is alive for
>>>> [__consumer_offsets,19]. Pick the leader from the alive assigned
>>> replicas:
>>>> (kafka.controller.OfflinePartitionLeaderSelector)[2017-04-26
>>> 12:03:36,029]
>>>> DEBUG [OfflinePartitionLeaderSelector]:
>>>> [mytopic,11]. Pick the leader from the alive assigned replicas:
>>>> (kafka.controller.OfflinePartitionLeaderSelector)[2017-04-26
>>> 12:03:36,029]
>>>> DEBUG [OfflinePartitionLeaderSelector]: No broker in ISR is alive for
>>>> [__consumer_offsets,30]. Pick the leader from the alive assigned
>>> replicas:
>>>> (kafka.controller.OfflinePartitionLeaderSelector)[2017-04-26
>>> 12:03:37,811]
>>>> DEBUG [OfflinePartitionLeaderSelector]: Some broker in ISR is alive for
>>>> [mytopicOLD,18]. Select 2 from ISR 2 to be the leader.
>>>> (kafka.controller.OfflinePartitionLeaderSelector)*
>>>> Typical broker config attached.. Please do share some valid inputs...
>>>> Abhi
>>>> !wq
>>>> *-- *
>>>> If you can't succeed, call it version 1.0
>>> --
>>> If you can't succeed, call it version 1.0
> --
> Signature
> <http://www.openbet.com/>     Michal Borowiecki
> Senior Software Engineer L4
>       T:      +44 208 742 1600
>       +44 203 249 8448
>       E:      michal.borowie...@openbet.com
>       W:      www.openbet.com <http://www.openbet.com/>
>       OpenBet Ltd
>       Chiswick Park Building 9
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