Thanks Michael and Eno for your help - I always thought the unit of
parallelism was a combination of topic & partition rather than just

Out of interest though, had I subscribed for both topics in one subscriber
- I would have expected records for both topics interleaved, why when
running this in two separate processes do I not observe the same? Just
wanting to try and form a mental model of how this is all working - I will
try and look through some code over the weekend.

If I fix this by changing the application ID for each streaming process -
does this mean I lose the ability to share state stores between the

Unfortunately the data on the input topics are provided by a third party
component which sends these keyless messages on a single partition per
topic, so I have little ability to fix this at source :-(


Henry Thacker

On 28 April 2017 at 17:32:28, Michael Noll ( wrote:

> To add to what Eno said:
> You can of course use the Kafka Streams API to build an application that
> consumes from multiple Kafka topics. But, going back to your original
> question, the scalability of Kafka and the Kafka Streams API is based on
> partitions, not on topics.
> -Michael
> On Fri, Apr 28, 2017 at 6:28 PM, Eno Thereska <>
> wrote:
> Hi Henry,
> Kafka Streams scales differently and does not support having the same
> application ID subscribe to different topics for scale-out. The way we
> support scaling out if you want to use the same application id is through
> partitions, i.e., Kafka Streams automatically assigns partitions to your
> multiple instances. If you want to scale out using topics you'll need to
> use different application IDs.
> So in a nutshell this pattern is not supported. Was there a reason you
> needed to do it like that?
> Thanks
> Eno
> On 28 Apr 2017, at 11:41, Henry Thacker <> wrote:
> Should also add - there are definitely live incoming messages on both
> input
> topics when my streams are running. The auto offset reset config is set
> to
> "earliest" and because the input data streams are quite large (several
> millions records each), I set a relatively small max poll records (200)
> so
> we don't run into heartbeating issues if we restart intraday.
> Thanks,
> Henry
> --
> Henry Thacker
> On 28 April 2017 at 11:37:53, Henry Thacker (
> wrote:
> Hi Eno,
> Thanks for your reply - the code that builds the topology is something
> like this (I don't have email and the code access on the same machine
> unfortunately - so might not be 100% accurate / terribly formatted!).
> The stream application is a simple verifier which stores a tiny bit of
> state in a state store. The processor is custom and only has logic in
> init() to store the context and retrieve the store and process(...) to
> validate the incoming messages and forward these on when appropriate.
> There is no joining, aggregates or windowing.
> In public static void main:
> String topic = args[0];
> String output = args[1];
> KStreamBuilder builder = new KStreamBuilder();
> StateStoreSupplier stateStore =
> Stores.create("mystore").withStringKeys().withByteArrayValues().
> persistent().build();
> KStream<Bytes, Bytes> stream =;
> builder.addStateStore(stateStore);
> stream.process(this::buildStreamProcessor, "mystore");
> KafkaStreams streams = new KafkaStreams(builder, getProps());
> streams.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(...);
> streams.start();
> Thanks,
> Henry
> On 28 April 2017 at 11:26:07, Eno Thereska (
> wrote:
> Hi Henry,
> Could you share the code that builds your topology so we see how the
> topics are passed in? Also, this would depend on what the streaming
> logic
> is doing with the topics, e.g., if you're joining them then both
> partitions
> need to be consumed by the same instance.
> Eno
> On 28 Apr 2017, at 11:01, Henry Thacker <>
> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using Kafka and Kafka streams. When I have two different
> processes, Consumer 1 and 2. They both share the same application ID,
> but
> subscribe for different single-partition topics. Only one stream
> consumer
> receives messages.
> The non working stream consumer just sits there logging:
> Starting stream thread [StreamThread-1]
> Discovered coordinator <Host> (Id: ...) for group my-streamer
> Revoking previously assigned partitions [] for group my-streamer
> (Re-)joining group my-streamer
> Successfully joined group my-streamer with generation 3
> Setting newly assigned partitions [] for group my-streamer
> (Re-)joining group my-streamer
> Successfully joined group my-streamer with generation 4
> If I was trying to subscribe to the same topic & partition I could
> understand this behaviour, but given that the subscriptions are for
> different input topics, I would have thought this should work?
> Thanks,
> Henry
> --
> Henry Thacker

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