
the recently introduced GlobalKTable ("global tables") allow you to perform
non-key lookups.
(and the javadocs link)

> So called "internal" values can't be looked up.

If I understand you correctly:  GlobalKTables allow you to do that.  You
can provide a KeyValueMapper with which you can tell Kafka Streams against
which on-the-fly-computed "new key" the global-table lookup should be
performed.  For example, if your GlobalKTable has String keys and JSON
values, you can perform lookups against particular fields in the JSON


On Thu, Apr 20, 2017 at 2:20 PM, Jon Yeargers <>

> Id like to further my immersion in kafka-as-database by doing more
> extensive key/val joins. Specifically there are many instances in the DB
> world where one is given a numeric field and needs to lookup the
> appropriate string translation / value. Imagine a record of student/class
> data where al the courses are numbered and one must determine class /
> instructor names for a hard copy.
> Something akin to
> select <some columns> from schedules
>    left join classes on schedules.classid =
>    left join teachers on schedules.teacherid =
>    left join textbooks on schedules.textbookid =
> ... and so on.
> In the KTable world (AFIACT) this is only possible for the key the source
> record uses. So called "internal" values can't be looked up. I could
> imagine running each record through a 'map' cycle to rearrange the key for
> each lookup column, remap and repeat but this seems a bit onerous. Perhaps
> using a Process step one could use additional streams? Dunno.
> Using log-compaction these 'matching/lookup' topics could be kept
> available.
> Was reading this missive (
> Discussion%3A+Non-key+KTable-KTable+Joins).
> Seems like the right direction but misses this point.
> Any thoughts on this? Am I missing an obvious solution? (I hope so - this
> would be a cool use case)

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