While we were testing, our producer had following configuration max.in.flight.requests.per.connection=1, acks= all and retries=3.
The entire producer side set is below. The consumer has manual offset commit, it commit offset after it has successfully processed the message. Producer setting bootstrap.servers= {point the F5 VS fronting Kafka cluster} key.serializer= {appropriate value as per your cases} value.serializer= {appropriate value as per your case} acks= all retries=3 ssl.key.password= {appropriate value as per your case} ssl.keystore.location= {appropriate value as per your case} ssl.keystore.password= {appropriate value as per your case} ssl.truststore.location= {appropriate value as per your case} ssl.truststore.password= {appropriate value as per your case} batch.size=16384 client.id= {appropriate value as per your case, may help with debugging} max.block.ms=65000 request.timeout.ms=30000 security.protocol= SSL ssl.enabled.protocols=TLSv1.2 ssl.keystore.type=JKS ssl.protocol=TLSv1.2 ssl.truststore.type=JKS max.in.flight.requests.per.connection=1 metadata.fetch.timeout.ms=60000 reconnect.backoff.ms=1000 retry.backoff.ms=1000 max.request.size=1048576 linger.ms=0 Consumer setting bootstrap.servers= {point the F5 VS fronting Kafka cluster} key.deserializer= {appropriate value as per your cases} value.deserializer= {appropriate value as per your case} group.id= {appropriate value as per your case} ssl.key.password= {appropriate value as per your case} ssl.keystore.location= {appropriate value as per your case} ssl.keystore.password= {appropriate value as per your case} ssl.truststore.location= {appropriate value as per your case} ssl.truststore.password= {appropriate value as per your case} enable.auto.commit=false security.protocol= SSL ssl.enabled.protocols=TLSv1.2 ssl.keystore.type=JKS ssl.protocol=TLSv1.2 ssl.truststore.type=JKS client.id= {appropriate value as per your case, may help with debugging} reconnect.backoff.ms=1000 retry.backoff.ms=1000 Thanks, Shri -----Original Message----- From: Hans Jespersen [mailto:h...@confluent.io] Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2017 7:57 PM To: users@kafka.apache.org Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: ZK and Kafka failover testing ***** Notice: This email was received from an external source ***** When you publish, is acks=0,1 or all (-1)? What is max.in.flight.requests.per.connection (default is 5)? It sounds to me like your publishers are using acks=0 and so they are not actually succeeding in publishing (i.e. you are getting no acks) but they will retry over and over and will have up to 5 retries in flight, so when the broker comes back up, you are getting 4 or 5 copies of the same message. Try setting max.in.flight.requests.per.connection=1 to get rid of duplicates Try setting acks=all to ensure the messages are being persisted by the leader and all the available replicas in the kafka cluster. -hans /** * Hans Jespersen, Principal Systems Engineer, Confluent Inc. * h...@confluent.io (650)924-2670 */ On Tue, Apr 18, 2017 at 4:10 PM, Shrikant Patel <spa...@pdxinc.com> wrote: > Hi All, > > I am seeing strange behavior between ZK and Kafka. We have 5 node in > ZK and Kafka cluster each. Kafka version - 2.11- > > The min.insync.replicas is 3, replication.factor is 5 for all topics, > unclean.leader.election.enable is false. We have 15 partitions for > each topic. > > The step we are following in our testing. > > > * My understanding is that ZK needs aleast 3 out of 5 server to be > functional. Kafka could not be functional without zookeeper. In out > testing, we bring down 3 ZK nodes and don't touch Kafka nodes. Kafka > is still functional, consumer\producer can still consume\publish from > Kafka cluster. We then bring down all ZK nodes, Kafka > consumer\producers are still functional. I am not able to understand > why Kafka cluster is not failing as soon as majority of ZK nodes are > down. I do see error in Kafka that it cannot connection to ZK cluster. > > > > * With all or majority of ZK node down, we bring down 1 Kafka > nodes (out of 5, so 4 are running). And at that point the consumer and > producer start failing. My guess is the new leadership election cannot > happen without ZK. > > > > * Then we bring up the majority of ZK node up. (1st Kafka is still > down) Now the Kafka cluster become functional, consumer and producer > now start working again. But Consumer sees big junk of message from > kafka, and many of them are duplicates. It's like these messages were > held up somewhere, Where\Why I don't know? And why the duplicates? I > can understand few duplicates for messages that consumer would not > commit before 1st node when down. But why so many duplicates and like > 4 copy for each message. I cannot understand this behavior. > > Appreciate some insight about our issues. Also if there are blogs that > describe the ZK and Kafka failover scenario behaviors, that would be > extremely helpful. > > Thanks, > Shri > > This e-mail and its contents (to include attachments) are the property > of National Health Systems, Inc., its subsidiaries and affiliates, > including but not limited to Rx.com Community Healthcare Network, Inc. > and its subsidiaries, and may contain confidential and proprietary or > privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient of this > e-mail, you are hereby notified that any unauthorized disclosure, > copying, or distribution of this e-mail or of its attachments, or the > taking of any unauthorized action based on information contained herein is > strictly prohibited. > Unauthorized use of information contained herein may subject you to > civil and criminal prosecution and penalties. 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