0.9 clients cannot connect to 0.8 brokers.

If you want to upgrade to 0.9, you first need to upgrade your brokers to
0.9 -- your running 0.8 clients will be able to connect to 0.9 brokers.
Afterwards, you can update your clients to 0.9, too.

Btw: since 0.10.2, clients are backward compatible to 0.10.0 and 0.10.1
brokers (bot not to 0.9 or older brokers).


On 4/14/17 12:14 PM, Milind Vaidya wrote:
> Is Kafka Producer 0.9.0 compatible with 0.8.* brokers ?
>  I could not conclude to tried it out myself.
> I tried using that setup, which works, in the sense messages to come
> through on consumer side.
> But with new producer I was trying to user flush() call to force sending of
> messages from the producer. This call is blocking forever. Any suggestions
> to get rid of that ? or this is due to incompatibility ?
> Thanks

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