Hello Sir/Ma'am,
I was trying to write a simple case of using kafka connector. My setup
involves using three nodes N1,N2 and N3.
N1 is the source and N2, N3 are the sink nodes in my case.
I am writing data to a text file(say input.txt) on Node N1 and using the
standalone kafka connector I wish to see a text file with content similar
to input.txt on the nodes N2 and N3.

I am using the REST API to make changes in* topic name, file name and

However, during the experiments I ran I was unable to get a complete copy
of the input.txt on both nodes(N2 and N3) at the *same time. *
*Also tuning the value of tasks.max on nodes (N2 and N3) for the sink
connector decided on which node data would be sent. *

So, my question is whether I am wrong in expecting such an outcome?
If so then what should I be expecting as a result of the experiment?
If not then how do I get my desired outcome?



*Tushar Sudhakar Jee *| Software Engineer

c *424.535.8225* | tus...@levyx.com <will...@levyx.com>

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49 Discovery, Suite #220

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