Yes, that is what we do in 0.10.2 -- it was a bug in 0.10.1 to not throw
an exception :)


On 3/27/17 5:07 AM, Thomas Becker wrote:
> Couldn't this have been solved by returning a ReadOnlyKeyValueIterator
> that throws an exception from remove() from the
> ReadOnlyKeyValueStore.iterator()? That preserves the ability to call
> remove() when it's appropriate and moves the refused bequest to when
> you shouldn't.
> On Thu, 2017-03-23 at 11:05 -0700, Matthias J. Sax wrote:
>> There is a difference between .delete() and it.remove().
>> .delete() can only be called in a Streams operator that is
>> responsible
>> to maintain the state. This is of course required to give the
>> developer
>> writing the operator has full control over the store.
>> However, it.remove() is called *outside* from the Streams part of
>> your
>> app. Thus, if a second developer queries a store, she should not be
>> able
>> to "mess" with the store -- she does not own the store.
>> Does this make sense?
>> -Matthias
>> On 3/22/17 3:27 PM, Tom Dearman wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> What I was trying to accomplish was the normal usage of the
>>> iterator
>>> interface to enable safe remove while iterating over a collection.
>>> I
>>> have used iterator.remove since kafka streams was released, so this
>>> has been the real functionality since release and in the absence of
>>> documentation to say otherwise feels like a bug has been introduced
>>> now.  If KeyValueStore#delete doesn't mess up the internal state
>>> during the single threaded access to the store I'm not sure why
>>> iterator.remove would.j
>>> Having said that, I will save the keys for removal during iteration
>>> and delete after.
>>> Thanks for you help.
>>> Tom
>>> On 22 March 2017 at 19:34, Michael Noll <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> To add to what Matthias said, in case the following isn't clear:
>>>> - You should not (and, in 0.10.2, cannot any longer) call the
>>>> iterator's
>>>> remove() method, i.e. `KeyValueIterator#remove()` when iterating
>>>> through a
>>>> `KeyValueStore`.  Perhaps this is something we should add to the
>>>> `KeyValueIterator` javadocs.
>>>> - You can of course call the store's delete() method:
>>>> `KeyValueStore#delete(K key)`.
>>>> Just mentioning this because, when reading the thread quickly, I
>>>> missed the
>>>> "iterator" part and thought removal/deletion on the store wasn't
>>>> working.
>>>> ;-)
>>>> Best,
>>>> Michael
>>>> On Wed, Mar 22, 2017 at 8:18 PM, Matthias J. Sax <matthias@conflu
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> remove() should not be supported -- thus, it's actually a bug
>>>>> in 0.10.1
>>>>> that got fixed in 0.10.2.
>>>>> Stores should only be altered by Streams and iterator over the
>>>>> stores
>>>>> should be read-only -- otherwise, you might mess up Streams
>>>>> internal state.
>>>>> I would highly recommend to reconsider the call to it.remove()
>>>>> in you
>>>>> application. Not sure what you try to accomplish, but you
>>>>> should do it
>>>>> differently.
>>>>> -Matthias
>>>>> On 3/22/17 8:00 AM, Tom Dearman wrote:
>>>>>> Hi, hope someone on kafka-streams team can help.  Our
>>>>>> application uses
>>>>>> KeyValueIterator it = KeyValueStore.all();
>>>>>> …..
>>>>>> it.remove()
>>>>>> This used to work but is now broken, causes our punctuate to
>>>>>> fail and
>>>>> StreamThread to die.  The cause seems to be that there were
>>>>> changes in
>>>>> to InMemoryKeyValueStoreSupplier:
>>>>>> public synchronized KeyValueIterator<K, V> all() {
>>>>>>     final TreeMap<K, V> copy = new TreeMap<>(;
>>>>>>     return new
>>>>>> MemoryStoreIterator<>(copy.entrySet().iterator());
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> @Override
>>>>>> public synchronized KeyValueIterator<K, V> all() {
>>>>>>     final TreeMap<K, V> copy = new TreeMap<>(;
>>>>>>     return new DelegatingPeekingKeyValueIterator<>(name, new
>>>>> MemoryStoreIterator<>(copy.entrySet().iterator()));
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> But the DelegatingPeekingKeyValueIterator has:
>>>>>> @Override
>>>>>> public void remove() {
>>>>>>     throw new UnsupportedOperationException("remove not
>>>>>> supported");
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> whereas the old direct call on MemoryStoreIterator allowed
>>>>>> remove.  For
>>>>> some reason there is no call to underlying.remove() in the
>>>>> DelegatingPeekingKeyValueIterator.
>>>>>> We don’t want to downgrade to as there was a useful
>>>>>> bug fix and
>>>>> removing dependancy on zookeeper.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Tom
> --
>     Tommy Becker
>     Senior Software Engineer
>     O +1 919.460.4747
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