Can someone please help with the reply ?

On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 2:53 PM, Sumit Maheshwari <>

> Hi,
> I am looking for a callback that I can depend on to get notified when
> kafka metadata changes.
> For example:
>    - Creation of new topic
>    - Addition of partitions to existing topic
>    - Delete of topic
>    - and so on...
> One way which I was thinking was depend on KafkaController class which has
> methods like onNewTopicCreation and onNewPartitionCreation.
> But one thing which i noticed was when there is no active controller for
> the cluster, we miss out on such updates.
> Also I am not looking for polling zookeeper continuously to get such
> updates.
> Can someone point out what could be the best way to get such updates?
> Thanks,
> Sumit

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