To manually failover the controller, just delete the /controller znode in

On Wed, Mar 22, 2017 at 11:46 AM, Marcos Juarez <> wrote:

> We're seeing the same exact pattern of ISR shrinking/resizing, mostly on
> partitions with the largest volume, with thousands of messages per second.
> It happens at least a hundred times a day in our production cluster. We do
> have hundreds of topics in our cluster, most of them with 20 or more
> partitions, but most of them see only a few hundred messages per minute.
> We're running Kafka, and we thought upgrading to the
> version would fix the issue, but we've already deployed that version to our
> staging cluster, and we're seeing the same problem.  We still haven't tried
> out the latest version, but I don't see any evidence pointing to a
> fix for that.
> This ticket seems to have some similar details, but it doesn't seem like
> there has been follow-up, and there's no target release for fixing:
> Jun Ma, what exactly did you do to failover the controller to a new
> broker? If that works for you, I'd like to try it in our staging clusters.
> Thanks,
> Marcos Juarez
> On Wed, Mar 22, 2017 at 11:55 AM, Jun MA <> wrote:
>> I have similar issue with our cluster. We don’t know the root cause but
>> we have some interesting observation.
>> 1. We do see correlation between ISR churn and fetcher connection
>> close/create.
>> 2. We’ve tried to add a broker which doesn’t have any partitions on it
>> dedicate to the controller (rolling restart existing brokers and failover
>> the controller to the newly added broker), and that indeed eliminate the
>> random ISR churn. We have a cluster of 6 brokers (besides the dedicated
>> controller) and each one has about 300 partitions on it. I suspect that
>> kafka broker cannot handle running controller + 300 partitions.
>> Anyway that’s so far what I got, I’d also like to know how to debug this.
>> We’re running kafka with heap size 8G.
>> Thanks,
>> Jun
>> On Mar 22, 2017, at 7:06 AM, Manikumar <> wrote:
>> Any erros related to zookeeper seesion timeout? We can also check for
>> excesssive GC.
>> Some times this may due to forming multiple controllers due to soft
>> failures.
>> You can check ActiveControllerCount on brokers, only one broker in the
>> cluster should have 1.
>> Also check for network issues/partitions
>> On Wed, Mar 22, 2017 at 7:21 PM, Radu Radutiu <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Does anyone know how I can debug high ISR churn on the kafka leader on a
>> cluster without traffic? I have 2 topics on a 4 node cluster  (replica 4
>> and replica 3) and both show constant changes of the number of insync
>> replicas:
>> [2017-03-22 15:30:10,945] INFO Partition [__consumer_offsets,0] on broker
>> 2: Expanding ISR for partition __consumer_offsets-0 from 2,4 to 2,4,5
>> (kafka.cluster.Partition)
>> [2017-03-22 15:31:41,193] INFO Partition [__consumer_offsets,0] on broker
>> 2: Shrinking ISR for partition [__consumer_offsets,0] from 2,4,5 to 2,5
>> (kafka.cluster.Partition)
>> [2017-03-22 15:31:41,195] INFO Partition [__consumer_offsets,0] on broker
>> 2: Expanding ISR for partition __consumer_offsets-0 from 2,5 to 2,5,4
>> (kafka.cluster.Partition)
>> [2017-03-22 15:35:03,443] INFO Partition [__consumer_offsets,0] on broker
>> 2: Shrinking ISR for partition [__consumer_offsets,0] from 2,5,4 to 2,5
>> (kafka.cluster.Partition)
>> [2017-03-22 15:35:03,445] INFO Partition [__consumer_offsets,0] on broker
>> 2: Expanding ISR for partition __consumer_offsets-0 from 2,5 to 2,5,4
>> (kafka.cluster.Partition)
>> [2017-03-22 15:37:01,443] INFO Partition [__consumer_offsets,0] on broker
>> 2: Shrinking ISR for partition [__consumer_offsets,0] from 2,5,4 to 2,4
>> (kafka.cluster.Partition)
>> [2017-03-22 15:37:01,445] INFO Partition [__consumer_offsets,0] on broker
>> 2: Expanding ISR for partition __consumer_offsets-0 from 2,4 to 2,4,5
>> (kafka.cluster.Partition)
>> and
>> [2017-03-22 15:09:52,646] INFO Partition [topic1,0] on broker 5: Shrinking
>> ISR for partition [topic1,0] from 5,2,4 to 5,4 (kafka.cluster.Partition)
>> [2017-03-22 15:09:52,648] INFO Partition [topic1,0] on broker 5: Expanding
>> ISR for partition topic1-0 from 5,4 to 5,4,2 (kafka.cluster.Partition)
>> [2017-03-22 15:24:05,646] INFO Partition [topic1,0] on broker 5: Shrinking
>> ISR for partition [topic1,0] from 5,4,2 to 5,4 (kafka.cluster.Partition)
>> [2017-03-22 15:24:05,648] INFO Partition [topic1,0] on broker 5: Expanding
>> ISR for partition topic1-0 from 5,4 to 5,4,2 (kafka.cluster.Partition)
>> [2017-03-22 15:26:49,599] INFO Partition [topic1,0] on broker 5: Expanding
>> ISR for partition topic1-0 from 5,4,2 to 5,4,2,1 (kafka.cluster.Partition)
>> [2017-03-22 15:27:46,396] INFO Partition [topic1,0] on broker 5: Shrinking
>> ISR for partition [topic1,0] from 5,4,2,1 to 5,4,1
>> (kafka.cluster.Partition)
>> [2017-03-22 15:27:46,398] INFO Partition [topic1,0] on broker 5: Expanding
>> ISR for partition topic1-0 from 5,4,1 to 5,4,1,2 (kafka.cluster.Partition)
>> [2017-03-22 15:45:47,896] INFO Partition [topic1,0] on broker 5: Shrinking
>> ISR for partition [topic1,0] from 5,4,1,2 to 5,1,2
>> (kafka.cluster.Partition)
>> [2017-03-22 15:45:47,898] INFO Partition [topic1,0] on broker 5: Expanding
>> ISR for partition topic1-0 from 5,1,2 to 5,1,2,4 (kafka.cluster.Partition)
>> (END)
>> I have tried increasing the (now 8) and
>> num.replica.fetchers (now 2) but nothing has changed.
>> The kafka server config is:
>> default.replication.factor=4
>> log.retention.hours=168
>> log.roll.hours=24
>> log.segment.bytes=104857600
>> min.insync.replicas=2
>> num.partitions=1
>> num.replica.fetchers=2
>> offsets.topic.num.partitions=1
>> offsets.topic.replication.factor=3
>> socket.receive.buffer.bytes=102400
>> socket.request.max.bytes=104857600
>> socket.send.buffer.bytes=102400
>> unclean.leader.election.enable=false
>> Best regards,
>> Radu

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