I am trying to migrate from StreamX (https://github.com/qubole/streamx) to use 
the official Confluent S3 connector 
(https://github.com/confluentinc/kafka-connect-storage-cloud).  Part of my 
implementation of Kafka Connect requires a custom partitioner.  This 
partitioner originally extended the Partitioner defined here 
  This was possible because I would build StreamX and add it to my companie’s 
artifact repository.  However, before I fork a bunch of different Confluent 
projects and then add them to my companies repository, I would like to know if 
it would be possible to import different Confluent projects such as HDFS 
connector and S3 connector through Maven so that I can use code from these 
projects.  If this doesn’t exist, why doesn’t Confluent add these artifacts to 
the Confluent repository?  Thanks for your help!


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