Hi Frank,

There is a similar discussion here 
<https://www.mail-archive.com/users@kafka.apache.org/msg25089.html>, with a 

Have you tried to increase the retention minutes to something large?

> On 21 Mar 2017, at 19:13, Frank Lyaruu <flya...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Kafka people,
> We have a Kafka Streams application that replicates a database, and
> transforms it to a different data model. Some tables/topics move fast, with
> many changes a second, some might be dormant for months. For those slow
> moving topics, we have some trouble with the 'offsets.retention.minutes'.
> After that timeout it's offset is effectively invalid. As long as it keeps
> running, everything is ok, but when we restart the application it will fall
> back to 'earliest' and redo the entire topic, which is obviously wrong.
> How can we fix this or work around this? Our first idea was to enable a
> very slow auto commit, so the offset.retention.minutes never times out, but
> Kafka Streams seems to explicitly forbid that. The StreamConfig javadoc
> says: ""Furthermore, it is not allowed to enable "enable.auto.commit" that
> is disabled by Kafka Streams by default."
> So how do we keep those commits alive? Why doesn't Kafka Streams allow a
> slow auto commit to prevent this? Any other ideas on how to circumvent this
> problem?
> regards, Frank
> We're running the trunk version of last week.

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