> However, Kafka Streams does handle late arriving data. So if you had some
> analytics that computes results on a time window or a session window then
> Kafka streams will compute on the stream in real time (processing message
> B) and then later when message A arrives it will put that message back
> the right temporal context and publish an amended result for the proper
> time/session window as if message B were consumed in the timestamp order
> before message A.

Can you link me to the javadocs or documentation for where I can read more
into how this is done / how to use this? Thanks.

On Sat, Mar 18, 2017 at 11:11 PM, Hans Jespersen <h...@confluent.io> wrote:

> sorry I mixed up Message A and B wrt the to question but the answer is
> still valid.
> -hans
> /**
>  * Hans Jespersen, Principal Systems Engineer, Confluent Inc.
>  * h...@confluent.io (650)924-2670
>  */
> On Sat, Mar 18, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Hans Jespersen <h...@confluent.io>
> wrote:
> > The only way to make sure A is consumed first would be to delay the
> > consumption of message B for at least 15 minutes which would fly in the
> > face of the principals of a true streaming platform so the short answer
> to
> > your question is "no" because that would be batch processing not stream
> > processing.
> >
> > However, Kafka Streams does handle late arriving data. So if you had some
> > analytics that computes results on a time window or a session window then
> > Kafka streams will compute on the stream in real time (processing message
> > B) and then later when message A arrives it will put that message back
> into
> > the right temporal context and publish an amended result for the proper
> > time/session window as if message B were consumed in the timestamp order
> > before message A. The end result of this flow is that you eventually get
> > the same results you would get in a batch processing system but with the
> > added benefit of getting intermediary result at much lower latency.
> >
> > -hans
> >
> > /**
> >  * Hans Jespersen, Principal Systems Engineer, Confluent Inc.
> >  * h...@confluent.io (650)924-2670 <(650)%20924-2670>
> >  */
> >
> > On Sat, Mar 18, 2017 at 10:29 AM, Ali Akhtar <ali.rac...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> >> Is it possible to have Kafka Streams order messages correctly by their
> >> timestamps, even if they arrived out of order?
> >>
> >> E.g, say Message A with a timestamp of 5:00 PM and Message B with a
> >> timestamp of 5:15 PM, are sent.
> >>
> >> Message B arrives sooner than Message A, due to network issues.
> >>
> >> Is it possible to make sure that, across all consumers of Kafka Streams
> >> (even if they are across different servers, but have the same consumer
> >> group), Message A is consumed first, before Message B?
> >>
> >> Thanks.
> >>
> >
> >

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