Hi Adrian,

The state store names are local names hence don't have the applicationId
prefix, i.e., they are laid out on disk like so:
/state.dir/applicationId/task/state-store-name. Their corresponding
change-logs are prefixed with the applicationId.

However, i can see in the case of the schema-registry that this would cause
an issue as it will use the state-store name when serializing and
deserializing the keys and values.

Which Avro Serde are you using?

There is an example serde here:

You could potentially use something like this, but on line 57 prefix the
topic name with the applicationId (if it doesn't already have it).

Would you mind raising a JIRA for this? It seems like an issue other people
are yet to encounter.


On Wed, 15 Mar 2017 at 13:05 Adrian McCague <adrian.mcca...@zopa.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> We are getting collisions with subject names in our schema registry due to
> state stores that are holding Avro events:
> "KSTREAM-JOINOTHER-0000000007-store-value",
>   "KSTREAM-JOINOTHER-0000000006-store-value",
>   "KSTREAM-JOINOTHER-0000000005-store-value",
>   "KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000005-store-value",
>   "KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000006-store-value",
>   "KSTREAM-JOINTHIS-0000000005-store-value",
>   "KSTREAM-JOINTHIS-0000000004-store-value",
>   "KSTREAM-JOINTHIS-0000000006-store-value",
> As you can see these are not prepended by their app id so any similarly
> constructed topology in another Streams application, that has different
> events will lead to conflicting schemas. Is this a bug, intended or user
> error?
> I can see an advantage of the schema registry getting involved here but
> not if this happens, I see a few work arounds but unsure if any are
> recommended or there is something I have missed:
>   1.  Use an ObjectSerde / Serializable (though then lose the Avro
> compatibility goodness)
>   2.  Create a modified SpecificAvroSerde that includes the schema with
> each message
>   3.  Anyway to influence the subject name?
>   4.  Some form of local persistent schema registry for this purpose
> I am not sure if anything changed with how Serdes were passed to RocksDB -
> I intend to deepdive into the source later at my next opportunity.
> I did notice non avro messages in our topologies started throwing
> exceptions (not instances of SpecificRecord) since we moved to so
> I suspect there was a plain Object serializer and now they use the topology
> defaults if you do not supply a serde.
> Thanks
> Adrian

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