
We are running KAFKA  but at times I see below error while starting 
STORM topologies.

               org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient WARN - Error while 
fetching metadata with correlation id 325376 : 

Looks like KAFKA consumer is not able to fetch metadata for the topic and when 
I describe the topic details I see below configuration

Topic: aceb3102-62d9-4809-b01b-6c69ebacbc90                PartitionCount:1     
          ReplicationFactor:2         Configs:
        Topic: aceb3102-62d9-4809-b01b-6c69ebacbc90        Partition: 0    
Leader: -1      Replicas: 1,2   Isr:

It's strange to see Leader: -1 and no in sync replica in ISR set. Not sure when 
KAFKA goes in that state or am I missing anything here?

Abhishek Barot

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