Hi Nicolas,

Please do file a JIRA.

Many thanks,

On Thu, 9 Mar 2017 at 15:54 Nicolas Fouché <nfou...@onfocus.io> wrote:

> Hi,
> I just wanted to share how we misinterpreted logs from Streams at the INFO
> level. Version, I think it's the same for
> So, we configured `commit.interval.ms` and `cache.max.bytes.buffering`,
> and
> we expected to always reach the commit interval before the maximum bytes.
> It was confirmed by looking at the logs the commit interval actually
> triggered commits. No logs about the maximum bytes.
> But then I noticed in our monitoring graphs and by consuming output topics
> that the rate of messages was way too high (thanks to pv[1]).
> I checked the code of Streams to write a kinda "sequence diagram" to see
> what was logged and at what level.
> For `commit.interval.ms`:
> - StreamThread#maybeCommit does an INFO recalling the configured duration
> - then StreamThread#commitOne does one INFO per task.
> - then NamedCache#flush announces the flushes at DEBUG level.
> For `cache.max.bytes.buffering`:
> - ThreadCache#maybeEvict does a TRACE (?!?) to announce that the cache is
> too big
> - then NamedCache#flush announces the flushes at DEBUG level.
> So I think it makes the logs not exhaustive enough concerning the writes to
> States + Changelog topics +  Output topics (Processor forwards). Thus logs
> are easily misinterpreted.
> Should I file a JIRA ?
> [1] https://linux.die.net/man/1/pv
> - Nicolas

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