Hi, We are running Kafka 0.10.0.X, with zookeeper. I'm trying to figure out if I can manually set a consumer offset, for a specific consumer when that consumer is stopped.
It looks like it used to be done using: kafka.tools.ExportZkOffsets and kafka.tools.ImportZkOffsets ( https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/System+Tools#SystemTools-ConsumerOffsetChecker ) However, if my version they don't work, because they try and read from zookeeper /consumers which is empty.. I think they are old tools. Does anyone know where in zookeeper, where the current kafka keeps consumer offsets? Regards -- Glen Ogilvie Open Systems Specialists Level 1, 162 Grafton Road http://www.oss.co.nz/ Ph: +64 9 984 3000 Mobile: +64 21 684 146 GPG Key: ACED9C17