Thanks Han and Alexander for taking time out and your responses.

I now understand the risks and the possible outcome of having the desired

What would be better in your opinion to have failover (active-active)
between both of these server rooms to avoid switching to the clone / 3rd

I mean even if there are 5 nodes having 3 in one server room and 2 in other
still there would be problem related to zookeeper majority leader election
if the server room goes down that has 3 nodes.

is there some way to achieve this ?

Thanks again!


On Mon, Mar 6, 2017 at 4:16 PM, Alexander Binzberger <> wrote:

> I agree on this is one cluster but having one additional ZK node per site
> does not help. (as far as I understand ZK)
> A 3 out of 6 is also not a majority. So I think you mean 3/5 with a cloned
> 3rd one. This would mean manually switching the cloned one for majority
> which can cause issues again.
> 1. You actually build a master/slave ZK with manually switch over.
> 2. While switching the clone from room to room you would have downtime.
> 3. If you switch on both ZK node clones at the same time (by mistake) you
> screwed.
> 4. If you "switch" clones instead of moving it will all data on disk you
> generate a split brain from which you have to recover first.
> So if you loose the connection between the rooms / the rooms get separated
> / you loose one room:
> * You (might) need manual interaction
> * loose automatic fail-over between the rooms
> * might face complete outage if your "master" room with the active 3rd
> node is hit.
> Actually this is the same scenario with 2/3 nodes spread over two
> locations.
> What you need is a third cross connected location for real fault tolerance
> and distribute your 3 or 5 ZK nodes over those.
> Or live with a possible outage in such a scenario.
> Additional Hints:
> * You can run any number of Kafka brokers on a ZK cluster. In your case
> this could be 4 Kafka brokers on 3 ZK nodes.
> * You should set topic replication to 2 (can be done at any time) and some
> other producer/broker settings to ensure your messages will not get lost in
> switch over cases.
> * ZK service does not react nicely on disk full.
> Am 06.03.2017 um 15:10 schrieb Hans Jespersen:
>> In that case it’s really one cluster. Make sure to set different rack ids
>> for each server room so kafka will ensure that the replicas always span
>> both floors and you don’t loose availability of data if a server room goes
>> down.
>> You will have to configure one addition zookeeper node in each site which
>> you will only ever startup if a site goes down because otherwise 2 of 4
>> zookeeper nodes is not a quorum.Again you would be better with 3 nodes
>> because then you would only have to do this in the site that has the single
>> active node.
>> -hans
>> On Mar 6, 2017, at 5:57 AM, Le Cyberian <> wrote:
>>> Hi Hans,
>>> Thank you for your reply.
>>> Its basically two different server rooms on different floors and they are
>>> connected with fiber connectivity so its almost like a local connection
>>> between them no network latencies / lag.
>>> If i do a Mirror Maker / Replicator then i will not be able to use them
>>> at
>>> the same time for writes./ producers. because the consumers / producers
>>> will request from all of them
>>> BR,
>>> Lee
>>> On Mon, Mar 6, 2017 at 2:50 PM, Hans Jespersen <>
>>> wrote:
>>> What do you mean when you say you have "2 sites not datacenters"? You
>>>> should be very careful configuring a stretch cluster across multiple
>>>> sites.
>>>> What is the RTT between the two sites? Why do you think that MIrror
>>>> Maker
>>>> (or Confluent Replicator) would not work between the sites and yet you
>>>> think a stretch cluster will work? That seems wrong.
>>>> -hans
>>>> /**
>>>> * Hans Jespersen, Principal Systems Engineer, Confluent Inc.
>>>> * (650)924-2670
>>>> */
>>>> On Mon, Mar 6, 2017 at 5:37 AM, Le Cyberian <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Guys,
>>>>> Thank you very much for you reply.
>>>>> The scenario which i have to implement is that i have 2 sites not
>>>>> datacenters so mirror maker would not work here.
>>>>> There will be 4 nodes in total, like 2 in Site A and 2 in Site B. The
>>>> idea
>>>>> is to have Active-Active setup along with fault tolerance so that if
>>>>> one
>>>> of
>>>>> the site goes on the operations are normal.
>>>>> In this case if i go ahead with 4 node-cluster of both zookeeper and
>>>> kafka
>>>>> it will give failover tolerance for 1 node only.
>>>>> What do you suggest to do in this case ? because to divide between 2
>>>> sites
>>>>> it needs to be even number if that makes sense ? Also if possible some
>>>> help
>>>>> regarding partitions for topic and replication factor.
>>>>> I already have Kafka running with quiet few topics having replication
>>>>> factor 1 along with 1 default partition, is there a way to repartition
>>>>> /
>>>>> increase partition of existing topics when i migrate to above setup ? I
>>>>> think we can increase replication factor by Kafka rebalance tool.
>>>>> Thanks alot for your help and time looking into this.
>>>>> BR,
>>>>> Le
>>>>> On Mon, Mar 6, 2017 at 12:20 PM, Hans Jespersen <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Jens,
>>>>>> I think you are correct that a 4 node zookeeper ensemble can be made
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> work but it will be slightly less resilient than a 3 node ensemble
>>>>> because
>>>>>> it can only tolerate 1 failure (same as a 3 node ensemble) and the
>>>>>> likelihood of node failures is higher because there is 1 more node
>>>>>> that
>>>>>> could fail.
>>>>>> So it SHOULD be an odd number of zookeeper nodes (not MUST).
>>>>>> -hans
>>>>>> On Mar 6, 2017, at 12:20 AM, Jens Rantil <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Hans,
>>>>>>> On Mon, Mar 6, 2017 at 12:10 AM, Hans Jespersen <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> A 4 node zookeeper ensemble will not even work. It MUST be an odd
>>>>>>> number
>>>>>> of zookeeper nodes to start.
>>>>>>> Are you sure about that? If Zookeer doesn't run with four nodes, that
>>>>>> means
>>>>>>> a running ensemble of three can't be live-migrated to other nodes
>>>>>> (because
>>>>>>> that's done by increasing the ensemble and then reducing it in the
>>>>>> case
>>>>> of
>>>>>>> 3-node ensembles). IIRC, you can run four Zookeeper nodes, but that
>>>>>> means
>>>>>> quorum will be three nodes, so there's no added benefit in terms of
>>>>>>> availability since you can only loose one node just like with a three
>>>>>> node
>>>>>>> cluster.
>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>> Jens
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Jens Rantil
>>>>>>> Backend engineer
>>>>>>> Tink AB
>>>>>>> Email:
>>>>>>> Phone: +46 708 84 18 32
>>>>>>> Web:
>>>>>>> Facebook <!/> Linkedin
>>>>>>> <
>>>>>> companies_res_photo&trkInfo=VSRPsearchId%3A1057023381369207406670%
>>>>>> 2CVSRPtargetId%3A2735919%2CVSRPcmpt%3Aprimary>
>>>>>>> Twitter <>

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