Adding partitions:

You should not add partitions at runtime -- it might break the semantics
of your application because is might "mess up" you hash partitioning.

If you are sure, that this is not a concern, because you don't do any
stateful operation (or some _manual_ re-partitioning within your
application before any key-based operation), than Streams should pick up
added partitions automatically. This can take multiple minutes depending
on your metadata refresh interval (default is 5 minutes).

About rewinding consumer partition offsets:

There is no tool to do this right now. But there is a KIP:

For now, you could write you own little Java program that manipulate the
offsets before you start your Streams application. However, be aware the
this will result in duplicate processing as there is currently no way to
reset your state stores.


On 2/28/17 1:31 PM, Neil Moore wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a few questions that I couldn't find answers to in the documentation:
>   *   Can added partitions be auto-discovered by kafka-streams? In my 
> informal tests I have had to restart the stream nodes.
>   *   Is it possible to rewind the consumer for a particular 
> topic-partitions. e.g. if I have a Processor handling a topic-partition can I 
> rewind that a to an arbitrary offset? I saw that 
> kafka-streams-application-reset allows all partitions to be reset, but I'd 
> like to decide per partition.
> If anybody can shed any light on these issues I'd be most grateful.
> Thanks.

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