Hello Apache Kafka community,

There's nice documentation on enabling ZooKeeper security on an existing
Apache Kafka  cluster at

For your convenience here are the first two steps of migration:

   1. Perform a rolling restart setting the JAAS login file, which enables
   brokers to authenticate. At the end of the rolling restart, brokers are
   able to manipulate znodes with strict ACLs, but they will not create znodes
   with those ACLs
   2. Perform a second rolling restart of brokers, this time setting the
   configuration parameter zookeeper.set.acl to true, which enables the use
   of secure ACLs when creating znodes

Problem is that there seems to be code in Kafka broker like
ZookeeperLeaderElector which on a broker with configured JAAS config file,
is setting ACLs even when zookeeper.set.acl=false

Is it a bug or did I misunderstand something?

Kind regards,
Stevo Slavic.

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