Hi Kohki,

Kafka streams windows use so called "segments" internally and their retention 
time cannot be lower than some minimum. Your configuration is set to less than 
this minimum, therefore is not accepted. Even Windows#until javadoc specifies 

* Set the window maintain duration (retention time) in milliseconds.

* This retention time is a guaranteed <i>lower bound</i> for how long a window 
will be maintained.

For more info consider reading 
[this](https://github.com/confluentinc/examples/issues/76) issue.

Regards, Jozef

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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Immutable Record with Kafka Stream
Local Time: February 24, 2017 7:11 PM
UTC Time: February 24, 2017 7:11 PM
From: tarop...@gmail.com
To: users@kafka.apache.org

Guozhang, thanks for the reply, but I'm having trouble understanding,
here's the statement from the document

Windowing operations are available in the Kafka Streams DSL
> <http://docs.confluent.io/3.0.0/streams/developer-guide.html#streams-developer-guide-dsl>,
> where users can specify a *retention period* for the window. This allows
> Kafka Streams to retain old window buckets for a period of time in order to
> wait for the late arrival of records whose timestamps fall within the
> window interval. If a record arrives after the retention period has passed,
> the record cannot be processed and is dropped.

And I believe I can set retention period by using 'until'


After receiving a data from (00:06:00), I don't know why it still continue
receiving data from time of 00:00:00, what is 'until' supposed to do ?


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