Kafka used to use zookeeper for managing offsets. But I believe it has
since changed to storing offset in a separate topic called
This info is there in the documentation. See here:

On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 5:02 PM, Jean Changyi <jeanking...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Thank you for reading my question.
> I'm still using kafka-2.1.1- From some article I learned that
> offsets were stored in zookeeper, however I can only find some z-nodes
> about
> console-consumer in my zookeeper.
> My question is where is mine offset record? That means where can I find my
> consumer-groups' offset record? By the way, I found some binary files in my
> kafka log menu (/tmp/kafka-logs in my computer):
> /tmp/kafka-logs/__consumer_offset-${number}/, do they have something to do
> with offsets?
> Best regards
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Jean
> jeanking...@gmail.com

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